Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Props to Fry's F&D

There is something definitely to be said about a large corporation that can still give good customer service.

The day that we moved into our new apartment in Phoenix, Arn and I went shopping for some furniture that we needed. After months of searching for the best deals and best quality we decided to buy most of it at Fry's Food and Drug. Surprisingly enough, Fry's also sells pretty nice furniture at reasonable prices.

We had already decided what we wanted, so today was the pick-up day. One dining table, a futon couch, a beautiful lamp, and $700 later we were loading up our truck. In the hustle and bustle of all that, we forgot our new lamp. It was the last one of its kind; we actually bought the display. That same day, after we realized the lamp had not been loaded, we headed back to Fry's. Unfortunately, the people that had helped us were all gone for the day. We left our number and information so they could contact us if they found our lamp.

A week later we went back and explained our plight to new customer service people. The lamp we originally wanted wasn't there (we had purchased the last one), but they gave us our choice of whatever lamp we wanted for the same price.

After much deliberation, we found another suitable lamp (not near as cute as the first, but suitable). This lamp was more expensive than the original, but they gave it to us at no additional charge. I was very pleased. I thought that Arn and I would have to eat the cost of the original lamp, but instead we got an even more expensive one at no extra charge! Major props to Fry's!

I'm definitely going to do more shopping there!!!

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