Monday, February 27, 2006

Desperate Housewives

Recently I've become adicted to the popular show, Desperate Housewives.

Just this last weekend I bought the first season. My schedule is not consistent enough to watch the show when it comes on, so I'll just have to wait until the second season comes out so I can get up to speed.

Let me tell ya, I eat those kind of shows up. Hey I'm gay and I love drama drama drama! And I'm sure you know if you've ever seen the show, there's plenty of drama to be had in each episode.

The show unfortunately does not exibt many ethnic minorities (at least in the first season), but it does have a lot to say about gender minorities.

My mother is a stay-at-home mom. This kind of role is overwhelmingly encouraged by the Mormon Religion; unfortunately, that arrangement is becoming more and more rare as the gap between middle and upper class increases.

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