Monday, November 17, 2008

Barack is the new Chuck Norris

The NPR blog, "Monkey See" posted some amusing tidbits putting Barack up there with Chuck Norris. LOL

Here are some highlights:

"- The White House press corps will be issued welder's goggles and UVP 150 sunscreen for when he smiles at press conferences."

"- Snacks on broken glass, rusty nails, and Republican pollsters."

"- Cannot carry credit cards or personal electronic devices due to his intense personal magnetism."

"- Is such a potent speaker that, during his acceptance speech, he made all the women in the first three rows pregnant. "

Oh NPR, how I love thee :D

Christopher Kennedy commented on the blog and added the following:

"Barack Obama's smile can regrow hair – even for Karl Rove."

"Barack Obama can slam a revolving door."

"[Barack Obama] once successfully divided by zero."

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