Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Arizona votes down Marriage Amendment!

I'm so proud of my state! Arizona voters realized the ills of Proposition 107 which would have banned all unions similar to Marriage.

1 comment:

jim said...

There's actually been a lot of coverage about our vote on Proposition 107. Most attribute the fall of the proposition to the libertarian (with a small l, not the political party with the upper case L) tendencies of Arizona and most of the western states. And I tend to agree somewhat.

Barry Goldwater of Arizona was the father of the modern conservative movement. I think if he were alive today he would be horrified at what the Republican party has done in the name of conservatism. Once upon a time conservatives believed in keeping the government as far as possible from the day to day dealings of the individual.

But gaydom is icky to a huge number of people. By putting anti-gay propositions on the ballot, the Republicans found a sure way to get their base out there to vote. But the people of Arizona are smarter than the people in a score of other states that who dutifully followed the script and voted for anti-gay measures.

Let's hope we are trend setters, and others follow our lead.