Monday, October 27, 2008

A Mormon Who Doesn't Care

Here is a slightly humorous article by a Salt Lake Mormon who doesn't care if gay people get married; he has a very secular stance on what most Mormons consider to be a deeply religious issue.

It's so refreshing to hear from free thinkers in the Mormon community. Too often Mormon's let their church do the thinking for them.

Pro-Gay-Marriage Mormons

I never would have believed that there are a significant number of Mormons who oppose the church's promotion of Propositions 8 and 102 in California and Arizona respectively, until my email discussion with extended family.

Somehow, I found it easy to write off all Mormons as close-minded on the issue.

Apparently the church has become more and more divided on the subject, "Prop 8: California gay marriage fight divides LDS faithful."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Palin Effect

"You've got a lot of awesome, loving gay friends, but you don't think they should be allowed to marry, that's the Palin Effect."

Yes, huge surprise...Palin stated today that she'd support a US Constitutional Amendment that would ban gay marriage on a national level, despite the fact that this is not in alignment with her running mate. Still, neither support gay marriage.

Gay marriage is, of course, an important issue to bring up during this time of financial crisis, war, and healthcare woes. After all, how else are you going to get your base out to vote unless you start appealing to their willful ignorance? If you let people focus on the real issues, the indecisive party members and independents are going to vote against you.

Go Republicans! Number 1 in distracting the American people since...since...who knows when?

Monday, October 20, 2008

President Sarah Palin

Here's a little more political satyr relating to Governor Palin.
It's a preview of the changes she'd make to the oval office and the country :P

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sarah Palin's Debate Flow Chart

Click on the image to see larger version.