It appears that he's learned his lesson though, I didn't see him after the initial sighting.
Rich from the swim team showed up as well, we had a good time. They played almost all of my recent favorites: Umbrella, Faster Kill Pussycat, and Shut Up and Drive.
It was fun, but I had a hard time dancing...I felt self-conscience. Just before I left for BS, I looked in the mirror and I thought I looked just like Napoleon Dynamite. Grrrr. It affected me so much that I had a dream I came into work in my underwear (those kind of dreams are usually a metaphor specifically pointing to insecurities about one's appearance). I think it's been over 10 years since I've had one of those...it was awful.
That's funny... I, too, dreamt that you showed up in your underwear! Based on what I saw in my dream, you have no reason to feel insecure! :)
OMG, Jim, you're too funny!
I LUV BS WEST!!! been yrs since Ive been there......I once witnessed a cat fight between two dragqueens on halloween....one ripped the others pearls from her neck.....all I hear as I leaned over from above to watch was "those were my grandmothers pearls u BIIIIITCHHH!" & then the scuffle ensued......
:::yeah.....good times......:::
LOL, what would we do without drag queens? Such good times!
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