Monday, October 01, 2007


You go through life trying to please them all
A social construct that will always fall
Your happiness contingent on theirs
Disappointment is the best it fares

Forcing yourself into everyone's mold
Trying to do and look as you’re told
You’re pushed and pulled in all directions
Avoiding truths like deadly infections

You resist eye contact with the mirror
Unfamiliar with how you appear
The shell does not reveal
The person you’re still.

1 comment:

•♥•m•♥• said...

U KNOW!...
i've nevah subscribed to that nonsense.....
guess that why sooooo many people are uncomfortable around me...

what can i say?

other than .....its the quality in your life ...including friends that really matters.....

not the quantity....
& being yourself......


hope its all going okay for u....