I first caught a glimpse on the apple.com website and knew immediately I had to see it. At that point nobody knew about the low budget film. Every time I said, "I really want to see Juno." People around me would arch one eyebrow thinking I was crazy enough to bring up travel during a movie conversation.
Juno sure didn't disappoint. The acting was great! The dialog so clever and edgy. I loved it! It was one of those films where you begin to think, "How can this possibly end well?" The movie is so honest and real about every situation it portrays that you can't conceive of things working out because in real life it wouldn't. Yet, by the end and despite it all...everyone seems to get what they want...somehow it all works out for the best.
I'm a sucker for a happy ending. I can't help it. Life is filled with tragedy and horrible situations already; I don't want to see it on the big screen! Juno was one of those movies that give you hope. Hope that there are good people out there, hope that things will work out for the best, hope that love is real. It also helps remind me about the people I love and the people who I already know are good; like my parents, Jim, Dave and Bev. How did I get to be so lucky? And how can I forget that they are there? I hope they know that I appreciate them and think about them often.
I definitely recommend the movie, and if you don't happen to like it...I don't want to hear about it :)
I agree - i Loved it too.
"your parents are prolly wondering where u r juno"...
"hey...i'm preggers...not much more shenanighans i can get into...right?"
"u shouldve gone to china....i hear they're giving these things away like free ipods"....
LUV LUV LUV'd the movie !... =)
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