Thursday, April 06, 2006


Last night I had the deep pleasure of watching the DVD, Kinsey.

It's a very interesting story about the life and studies of the biologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey led the first major study in relation to human sexuality; his discoveries shock the world and have deeply affected our current views on the subject.

I recommend this movie to anyone with an open mind!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

The amazing love story and cinematic triumph, Brokeback Mountain is now available on DVD!

When you look in the GLBT section you'll find quite a few movies, perhaps more than you expect. However, just like other genres the really good ones are few and far between. The most recent great gay themed film I saw was Latter Days.

Brokeback is a beautiful movie in many ways; I hope that whether you are gay, straight, bi or whatever, you'll take an opportunity to watch it.